becoming ourselves in context, in creativity, in community
How do we become ourselves?
We create the conditions for our own development, not by working backwards from a set of goals or pre-determined place of arrival but by engaging with becoming as a process and an art. Uncertainty and emergence are hallmarks of this work. We surrender, we create, we meet.
In context
I connect to the bigger picture
I surrender into cosmic context my grief and pain
I understand myself as part of something larger and longer than I am conditioned to perceive
I connect to Life through me, as me
I am inseparable from the whole
In creativity
I connect to that which transforms
I meet my life as creator and the world as shaper
I discover material ways to practice my values and build capacities for living according to them
Performing as other is how I access change
Liberation enacted in aesthetic space is transferable
In community
We connect to each other
We engage in the activity of community
We appreciate uniqueness while dispelling the myth of the individual as fundamental building block
We value not knowing as way shower
We resensitize, create, and contextualize together
“This woman is so audacious in what she believes is possible for us, as individuals and as a collective, and in the space that she holds, the potential of our highest good becomes incredibly alive and within reach - it becomes felt sense.”
— Danah Alkhaleel
Online offerings
Soul Sessions
I translate energetic information from your Akashic Record and Guide team in this jam-packed 90-minute reading and clearing. Learn who you are at soul-level and how to take responsibility for the energetic root causes of your current circumstances.
Ongoing One-on-one Work
Private sessions with me weave together my diverse expertise in liberatory arts, somatics and neurodevelopment, ritual, therapeutic theatre, and social therapeutics to help you create from your life as it is and discover new ways of being and relating.
Workshops and Programs
I regularly offer a live-taught puppetry certification course, Fooling workshops, and other group experiences that combine applied theatre, somatics, and emergent conversation.
Book an appointment
Let’s meet and see if my approach is a fit for you.
More about me
I’m interested in practice that builds capacity. I’m interested in finding material ways to engage our own becoming. I like the activity - the doing - more than knowledge, opinion, and the trap of trying to think our way into creating something new. In the activity of becoming, we stay inside the process; we stay flexible, mutable, and open to how life is moving.
I’m interested in meeting points: the holy and the harrowing, the magical and the mundane, me and you, risk and safety, changing and accepting, creating and destroying.
I am an artist, mystic, space holder, facilitator, teacher, mentor, and guide. And honestly? I’m your biggest fan.
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Contact Me
Interested in working with me? Want to tell me something cool about yourself? Want to collaborate? Let’s gooo.