Work with me

Laura Geiger liberatory theatre and developmental psychology

Private sessions with me weave together applied performing arts and liberatory theatre practices, somatics and movement, spiritual practice, developmental psychology, and relational work. I have a multidimensional, expansive, holistic approach that calls you forward into your own aliveness, into your becoming.

I have a big trunk of tools, knowledge, intuition, and expertise from which I design practices and processes that provide inspiration, insight, and opportunities for inquiry. Together we work to find the spaces that reveal your genius, your not-knowing, your awkwardness, your pain, and your magic. (Yup, these cohabitate in the quiet dark.) There we find real, material ways to practice, rehearse, and develop new ways of being and relating.

I help you decommodify yourself by seeing you as whole, flexible, and able to shape the world around you (not just be shaped by it). Many of us have learned to see ourselves as products: sets of behaviors, opinions, thoughts, or emotions. We have become separated from the activity, or the performance, of creating who we are and the contexts in which we live.

To embody our revolutionary and liberated selves, we must reengage with life, beauty, imagination, enchantment, and play. We must increase our capacity for ambiguity, self-consciousness, and being seen not knowing. We must resensitize to the world around us and challenge our notions of fixity, separation, and division that keep us stuck in binaries that don’t belong to the future we want to create.

So, yes, I offer concrete ways to practice all of this, and I’m good at it. But what I’m great at is witnessing you, seeing you, encouraging you, and loving you. That combo is pretty darn powerful.

How it works:

Online sessions with me are scheduled for 60 minutes every other week for three months at a time (a total of six sessions), along with homework practices between sessions.

1000 USD
Payment plans available

“There was magic for me. The profundity and poetry and power in what Laura sees and calls forth brings an expansiveness and an immersion and a magic all of its own.”

What People Say

Working with Laura reconnected me to the magical intuitive being I am. Through her work I learned to trust this inner knowing and divine signs through the many different forms they show up. I felt trust and joy more than I ever have before in my life. It felt like going back; a return to my soul. And through it all, we explored with so much fun and laughter. We played, we danced, we drew, we meditated, we visited the edges of the universe together. I’m anchored and connected, and for our time together, I’m forever grateful.

— Shahad Altukhaim

Laura's seemingly endless, unique and compassionate invitations to be seen and heard reinvigorated the sweet child within to be witnessed and loved again. Her wide bandwidth for buoyant playfulness and creativity, blended with her ability to be soulfully present and grounded, was truly something to behold. I continue to integrate so many of the simple practices she gifted me and feel eternally touched by the profound influence her work has made on my life.

— Jessica Zullo

Working with Laura was magic. Proper magic. A perfect balance of awkward and challenging and revelatory and inspiring. I like how Laura speaks and holds herself in truth/authority/surrender to whatever life is coming through her and models space and curiosity and generosity. I loved the permission to value beauty, to soak it in, to see what I see and allow myself to yield to all the love and creativity and wonder of being alive, to alchemise intensity and passionate energy that has felt contracted and painful and violent into something adaptive and creative and supportive. I like that the work felt deeply personal and also transcendent; that's a super fulfilling place to be. I feel like Laura showed me who I am in a more complete reflection and amplified aspects of my process as powerful and important that are often dismissed or abjected.

— Alex Walker

​Laura has an incredible ability to help you shift inside. Through what seems like simple exercises, she helps bring about insights, healing and expression as you’ve never experienced it before. Thank you for giving me the gift of discovering my voice, me, again. The door is now open for me to take this journey of breaking through the layers to be visible as the authentic and true me.

— Tanya Lochner

​Laura has helped me break the spell I’ve lived under for probably hundreds of years, and she has helped me unleash, break open and literally rebirth the essence of my voice. I am blessed and in deep gratitude for I no longer fear speaking. In fact, I’m amazed that I can have so many people listening to what I have to say.

— Myriam Llano, Divine Renewal™

I was feeling slightly lost and feeling like I wasn't living up to my full potential in my career and higher purpose. Laura is an entrepreneur who earns respect, success, and a following just by trusting her instincts, being her authentic self, and going outside the norm. The rebel in me saw the rebel in her and I knew she'd be able to guide me. And that she did! We had an effortless and ground-breaking brainstorming session that uncovered a lot of my blindspots, and tapped into my natural gifts. She pulled out what was already there just waiting to be unearthed. I recommend Laura as a consultant, mentor, guide. Practical, brave, encouraging, and she just gets it.

— Wendy Sinclair

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