Deep Puppetry Certificate Program


Eight Mondays in class
April 7
April 14
April 21
April 28
May 5
May 12
May 19
May 26

6pm - 8:30pm Central European
10:30pm-1am India
12pm - 2:30pm Eastern US
9am - 11:30am Pacific US

Plus one private session with me during the program, scheduled at mutual convenience.

What you will learn:

  • How puppetry is an act of love and portal of change

  • Why and how puppetry is ideally suited to help us divest from oppression, control, and exploitation

  • Why puppetry is revolutionary and a tool for liberation

  • How puppetry assists in development and growth

  • The philosophical and psychological context of therapeutic puppetry

  • How puppetry builds relationships and creates empathy

  • How puppetry reimagines hierarchy and power structures

  • How to use puppetry off the stage as personal and/or spiritual practice and as a divination tool

  • How puppetry integrates otherness and seeks to welcome the abject

  • A variety of construction methods and which lend themselves particularly well to personal exploration and community building

  • How puppetry can act as embodiment practice

  • The nuts and bolts of object animation

The eight-class online curriculum is a combination of hands-on experiential work, supplemental reading, and in-class instruction, discussion, and collaboration. This program offers space for you to apply the material to your particular work context, artistic voice, and imagination. Absolutely no experience in plastic or performing arts needed for this program. 

To obtain your certificate, you must attend at least six of the classes live and complete your homework assignments. Recordings will be available for one week after each class. The total time investment is 20 hours of class and approximately 10 hours outside of class. 

Perfect for teachers, therapists, community workers, activists, parents, artists, art practitioners, puppeteers, group facilitators, changemakers, and folks who are just plain curious. 

649 USD
Early bird pricing of 450 USD available until March 10th 17th.

Please contact me regarding:
Limited scholarship opportunity, depending upon enrollment
Payment plan availability

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Eight Mondays in class
April 7
April 14
April 21
April 28
May 5
May 12
May 19
May 26

6pm - 8:30pm Central European
10:30pm-1am India
12pm - 2:30pm Eastern US
9am - 11:30am Pacific US

Plus one private session with me during the program, scheduled at mutual convenience.

What you will learn:

  • How puppetry is an act of love and portal of change

  • Why and how puppetry is ideally suited to help us divest from oppression, control, and exploitation

  • Why puppetry is revolutionary and a tool for liberation

  • How puppetry assists in development and growth

  • The philosophical and psychological context of therapeutic puppetry

  • How puppetry builds relationships and creates empathy

  • How puppetry reimagines hierarchy and power structures

  • How to use puppetry off the stage as personal and/or spiritual practice and as a divination tool

  • How puppetry integrates otherness and seeks to welcome the abject

  • A variety of construction methods and which lend themselves particularly well to personal exploration and community building

  • How puppetry can act as embodiment practice

  • The nuts and bolts of object animation

The eight-class online curriculum is a combination of hands-on experiential work, supplemental reading, and in-class instruction, discussion, and collaboration. This program offers space for you to apply the material to your particular work context, artistic voice, and imagination. Absolutely no experience in plastic or performing arts needed for this program. 

To obtain your certificate, you must attend at least six of the classes live and complete your homework assignments. Recordings will be available for one week after each class. The total time investment is 20 hours of class and approximately 10 hours outside of class. 

Perfect for teachers, therapists, community workers, activists, parents, artists, art practitioners, puppeteers, group facilitators, changemakers, and folks who are just plain curious. 

649 USD
Early bird pricing of 450 USD available until March 10th 17th.

Please contact me regarding:
Limited scholarship opportunity, depending upon enrollment
Payment plan availability